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If you have a question, please drop an email to me @  I am sorry that the guestbook parameters don't allow me to respond to the comments as this page is set up for customer comments only.  Sharing your feedback helps to inspire creativity while also providing vital information to my new customers. Thank you for leaving feedback.  I would not have the freedom to be doing what I love if not for the support of my awesome customers......Peace & Gratitude - Jan


Name: Rauna Stevenson-Otto
Date: 08/09/2010
Message: For all of you Sun Lyon Studio fans out there, Jan made me a pendant honoring my amazing German Shepherd who recently passed away. She sat down to make it an hour after finding out of his passing. It has meant more to me than you can imagine. I have worn it every single day, and have had more compliments on it than ...any other single piece of jewelry I own, both here and during a recent visit stateside. It is a peace symbol with RIP, his name, the date he passed, and a heart with wings. It is "WICKED COOL" as one admirer commented, and she had no idea of the meaning. I am trying to get her to post a picture and start selling these to others, but she seems somewhat reluctant thinking it may be in bad taste. I say -- GO FOR IT! Hopefully others can get as much joy out of similar pendants and I have gotten out of mine

Name: Lana Hensley
Date: 08/04/2010
Message: Jan, Just ordered Sea of Tears and can't wait to wear it. Thanks so much for this beautiful piece and your efforts to assist those in need due to this tragedy. Or hearts ache for them! Love & blessings, lh

Name: lexi prater
Date: 08/01/2010
Message: i love all your creative jewelry they are amazing i just would like to no how much your compass necklaces are and how do i order ?

Name: Juliette Hare O'Connor
Date: 07/27/2010
Message: So, hey Jan. Guess I am going to be buying something here for my daughter for her birthday since she saw your stuff on my Face Book. Anyone reading this, I have many of Jan's pieces and wear them every day, all together on a chain. All New Orleans stuff. People stop and ask me about them all the time. I need a Sun Lyon fix. Come back to see us soon Jan, I need a new little trinket!

Name: Anita (Workman) Schneider
Date: 06/24/2010
Message: Cathy Hogan Morley shared this with me on FB, or should I say brought it to my attention. I am in love with several pieces. great job, artists!!

Name: Jodi LaBorde
Date: 06/23/2010
Message: Jan, I love your work. My mom is Juliette Hare O'Connor, a local New Orleans artist. I can't wait for you to start selling "Sea of Tears" pieces - they are beautiful.

Name: Rhonda Blue Springs, MO
Date: 05/26/2010
Message: Your jewelry is absolutely stunning! Very unique indeed. Can you make anything? I notice a lot of your work is inspirational (love the angel wings) but can you make a bat pendant? I like vampires and bats (no I am not strange) I have a sterling bat ring with ruby eyes, would love a pendant!

Date: 05/21/2010
Message: all this is just beautiful

Name: Jenny and Mike Quinn
Date: 03/22/2010
Message: Dear Jan, My husband and I made a purchase of 2 necklaces for our daughters Saturday from the port at St Criox. I wish we had a little more time to talk as we both enjoyed meeting you. I want to Thank you for taking the time to make the beautiful necklaces that you created for them. It will be fun to share your story with them, and I find myself so happy to give them a gift from the Caribbean that has deep meaning. It is not your average souvenir and I appreciate that. I have checked out your website and will pass it on to friends here. I also enjoyed your diving photo- my husband and I love that hobby also. It is his dream to find an island he can help run a shop when he retires. He actually did talk with them on St Croix about that. He is a master diver and continues to work at more certifications. Thanks again Jan for your meaningful gift. I know my daughter being the kind of girls they are will love them. How wonderful to meet people with the same ideals! Jenny and Mike Quinn

Name: Jonathan Lyon
Date: 03/10/2010
Message: Hi Cuz, Nice site and nice jewelery!

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